Great to meet you...

Want to de-clutter but can't bear the thought of just throwing away the label on your favorite bottle of Epicurious?

Do you bask in the hue of the cobalt Riesling glass perched on your windowsill?
Think that Heineken Green is more a beautiful color than a mere bottle description?

Are you an AVEDAPHILE?
(def: noun 1. Person who collects anything Aveda or made with              Aveda anything)

Let's talk about a custom request- just send me an email anytime and I'll respond soon.

Many thanks!

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Check out more LolaBorealis art on Etsy:


I recently had the honor of fusing metal  

to a friend's handsome hunk

of petrified wood... 

Perhaps you have a favorite talisman 

you would like to wear closer?  

Let me know!  

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